Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuesday's with Murray! When a hand is needed but not welcomed!

I have read this book many times and I quote it often. I do this with lots of material I have found useful in 52 years I have been here. I strongly recommend everyone read "the seven habits of highly successful people and the eighth habit"!

This book is a guide to success in business and life and also helps us appreciate our inner circle. Highlighted in these and many other self help book is the need to look at how fortunate we are, even when we don't think so! Like the Rainbow blog of last week!

As one deals with death in this world, and often alone since no-one wants to talk about it, there are things that start happening that gets you depressed but you still need to move on! There are parts of your body that start working properly and at 52 you start going through that line at the grocery store you went for your children and your parents went for you.

Murray said, the worse that could happen is if someone had to do the basic human needs like cleaning your ass for you! Well I can’t tell you how hard it is to have your partner check that area (non sexual) for you! So to everyone out there dealing with such issues you’re not alone and you know someone is in love with you who takes good care of you without the need to pay such as a nurse or nursing home.

I count my blessings and think of those within my circle that may be ashamed to discuss this. Recently my mom discussed this with me. She is 78 and sometimes has a need and why she misses my sister so much. Besides the company it's easier between mother and daughter as it is father and son.

So you young people reading this blog! Be fortunate your hand can reach where it needs to, for someday someone else's hand may be there, and it's not a pleasant experience! Nevertheless we joke about it laugh a little and move on in life...


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