Saturday, January 15, 2011

Things could be worse! But HOPE is needed!

Many times I have heard that if you think life is bad, visit a nursing home or attend a funeral. However individuals who have gone beyond hope are no longer affected by despair by others and those things can always be worse.

In my short time here on earth I have had 5 friends commit suicide and I myself trying in my teens. I was a very emotional individual and still am. I was lucky having mentors along the way that inspired me and that part of me disappeared. I am forever grateful for those individuals.

You see if you live for the moment and the mindset has no hope there is nothing you can do to stop someone from killing themselves and in the process take others. It seems that even in death individuals want to leave a mark or don't want to go alone!

This is why we all, family members, friends, co-workers, teachers, politicians and on and on have to give people HOPE!

I have my cousin over the other day and he works in a nursing home! I was chatting about all my health issues and at 21 he says, you should see what I work with daily! It helps you appreciate what you have and deal with issues that are not that important.

I thought about what he said! I realized he has HOPE, he has some short term goals and long term goals and though he has faced some challenges, I would not worry about him. When people especially young ones don't have short term or long term goals they tend not o have HOPE!

Thee we need to help and in a positive way provide HOPE so that as a society we do all we can do to avoid what happened in Tucson Arizona!

Dr. Q

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