Monday, August 15, 2011

Talking Helps, Listening Heals!

I woke up this morning with a pain in my lower back that penetrates down my right leg and is so strong that if it wasn’t for the walls I would fall (this is why my surgeon said I should not drive until we know what going on). Ok but that is not the reason for this blog! Lots of people in the world live with worse pain and very difficult situations!

But I find talking helps me! I blog and through blogging it helps me stay in touch with current events and still give me purpose. Maybe my experiences, knowledge and just maybe a small sentence or word through my blogs can help someone as much as it helps me!

You see talking helps! Have you noticed there are group meetings for almost any disease on earth? Small communities that share what they are dealing with and talk it out! The interesting thing is that talking helps, but in these groups there are a dozen or other people sharing their experiences and so LISTENING HEALS!

It is often said that the creator gave you two years and one mouth for a reason. Well the reason is balance but you get the point!

Whether your facing death (we all are) or diagnosed with a terminal disease, or just feeling worthless (the most dangerous of all) talk to someone or those close to you but never forget to LISTEN, fort he talking helps but it's the power of listening and applying that heals!

Dr. Q

Friday, August 5, 2011

I should of died!

A few years ago most of you know I had a major auto accident. It's never been the same. I have been in constant pain ever since! No matter what surgeries, what pills I suffer excruciating pain especially on my neck arms and legs!

This morning it’s my right leg. I blog so I don't think of the pain. I somehow believe I was kept alive for a reason, but what reason! Why did I not die that day? It would have been a perfect ending. I remember very little of the accident, but have suffered ever since. Of course this was made worse by the second auto accident. But it's the first that left me permanently basically paralyzed!

I try very hard to create a garden with Rob's help. I try to walk the dog and at times make it around one block! This is a man who could run, swim, ski, and jump from car to car with my friends (stupid) going 80 miles on a highway.

I don’t know why I did not die that day and I know there are worse people suffering than me. I try very hard not to complain! I do feel I hold Rob back! I can't dance (I loved to dance), I can't go out with him for too long without the pain causing us to either staying in the hotel room or I have to get back.

The head concussion has also left me with memory issues! Lately sometimes I forget who he is (it's scary). The good thing with memory issues is that movies you have seen shows you like are always new to you!

I will keep looking for a reason the creator kept me alive that day and I will stay the course because I am deeply in love with Rob! But at times it would be so easy to just fall asleep and move on! The glory days were so much fun! Nothing is the same when you deal with pain! So for those without pain and a happy life! Enjoy it things can change in a second!

Dr Q

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Marie you live on even after the American flag is gone!

Approximately almost a year ago we moved into this house. We found out that we had a neighbor like no other! Her name was Marie! I had the privileged to get to know her but her drinking buddy was Rob!

As my illness worsens I longer have a desire to drink. Occasionally yes I have a beer or two and hardly any hard liquor. My mom is very happy! To me it's another sign of it's almost time!

Marie said once in her 27 years living here in this neighborhood (she was the first to move here) she never met or had neighbors like us! To this day every time I walk by the house next door I think of those words. Yesterday her family finished selling all her belongings and took the American flag down. She loved that flag!

 I actually got one like hers except in June I changed it to a (as she put it) a colorful flag! Yes the PRIDE flag! She asked so many questions related to why we need a flag, why we need parades etc. etc.

I and Rob loved Marie! I am sorry she is gone, but be assured until the day she dies she resides in us. And after we die she resides on the web forever. Rob and I ended up with a few things of Marie, but what we treasure most is her picture. She had a presence and a smile like Rob's. By the way she like1.5 lts of CC.

Marie I walked by today and noticed the flag is gone! The new buyers move in Oct 1st! But I want you to know that thought the American flag is gone, you never will!

Dr Q