Friday, September 9, 2011

As you face death, one ask's WHY?

Often people ask what death are you facing? What disease do you have that makes you run this blog? Plainly put we are all dying so it's not surprising one would run a blog like this! However this blog is dedicated to my sister who besides being the epidimy of good is dealing with cancer and that being terminal!

My dad died around his early 40's so I never thought I would last this long! Two of my aunts died an early age so as a child I thought I would never reach my 50's! Well here I am! Yes I do have many challenges ahead since my accident in 2008! Dam that DUI driver. My life changed forever and it's never been the same. Today my mind is working but my legs are a challenge. There is always a part of my body I am dealing with it!

So I look around and read allot when I can and I ask why?

Why don't we learn from past mistakes?

Why don't after, we have spent billions or maybe trillions have a cure for cancer?

Why do children refuse to listen to people who have experienced challenges, their parents or senior's?

Why did we not put into practice "things l;earned from 9/11"?

Why do we have a shrine and a charge dedicated to the "Lady of Milk" in St Augustine?

Why do we insist the creator is a "male"?

Why do we waste billions in government with no accountability?

Why does it take almost 6 years to settle my law suite when I was hit by a DUI driver?

Why do most of the people living in my area stay home and get food stamps?

Why is over the counter drugs, the drug of choice in our area and cocaine and meth popular in the Miami area?

Why do friends hurt each other, if they are friends?

WHY DID WE LOSE OUR FREEDOM ON 9/11 and now are considered guilty at airports instead of innocent?

Why do people say they will stay in touch, when they have no intention of doing so?

Why did it take the manager of the Holiday Inn I recently stayed in 3 days to to contact me when they guarantee you're stay as pleasant or your money back?

So many why's!!!!!!!!

You know from my late 20's to my late 40's I never gave much thought as to why! I was busy managing people, traveling the world providing ideas to improved technology, speaking about quality and implementing ways of doing things better. But now that I look back, most of this was due to "having to do it" verses "wanting to do it". Why? Did we have to experience a collapse of the automotive industry in the 70's to realize the Japanese were putting Quality first in their manufacturing and thereby beating our asses! Did we think the American people were idiots enough to keep buying shitty cars because they were American?

So yes as we age and at times when we are facing death we ask allot of why's! My sister has never asked why since she has been so good, married to one man since age 16, rarely if ever bad mouth anyone, very religious and extremely loving why she out of all of those we know is dealing with terminal cancer.

But as I write this I know why! There is no answer as to why's! There is do or die! We all have an impact directly or indirectly with those we encounter and sometimes there lies the why, the why we will never know!

Dr Q

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